Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So i get home from work, 7:30am - 6:00pm + 90mins traveling. Clean the house a bit, watch a bit of tv, get ready to login to WoW and of course the server is down for the night. But didnt they announce that the Oceanic servers werent going down at the normal times? But all were down... Dam it. I guess i need more sleep anyway. Kinda... ;) Time to check out the latest vids on warcraftmovies.com.

Solo-ology (Hunter Vs. World 8) [Part 2]

Man i love that UI! Mad editing skillz too.

Full video here: http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=72991 well worth the watch.

Also, awesome song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEccxPPwXmI - Kanye West - Flashing Lights

Monday, May 19, 2008

Worst WotLK Patch Notes ever - Alpha

Yeh, so what the hell, they may as well have released nothing.

Thanks for the detailed patch notes.

The real question is when will Season 4 Hit! dam it im sick of hording Honor points and then spending them all because i think its never gonna come out. Then they will spring it on me.

So first post Hey, better make it interesting...

I'll be talking about some of my strats and just random wow stuff pretty much, mixed up with other random bits of crap :P

Currently im playing an Undead Priest: Nymos and a Tauren Hunter: Wikd.

I kinda got sick of the whole PVE scene a while ago so im just sticking with PVP these days. Its good for me cos i can just pick it up whenever, and i dont have to stick to any raiding times or schedules or whatever. Also the skill factor is good, always meeting new opponents and different gear and skill sets.

Ive been playing since WoW Launched, and have leveled too many characters, I always found it hard to stick with one.

  1. 70 Priest Nymos
  2. 70 Hunter Wikd
  3. 70 Warrior Kruxor
  4. 60 Rogue VB

  1. 70 Rogue Megabite
  2. 70 Hunter Adoria

Now i have to stop leveling characters and stick with one ;)

I am still leveling up another horde rogue, just as they always seems to pwn me on the priest and hunter in arenas. But its getting less frequent these days, as i have 457 resilience. Just depends on the team match up tho.