You will need a tanking class, or just pull less mobs at a time if you have a hunter or a class that doesn't have as much damage mitigation. I have used this method with a 80 hunter. Also you will need another account so that you can log in with the noob character that you are leveling and the High level you will use for farming the instance. Also can be easily done with a frost spec mage. Some SM Maps are included down the bottom of this post.
Unfortunately the raid lockout applies after 5 resets in a one hour period. So if you just run SM Cath over and Over (can be done in about 5-10 minutes per run, once you get a method going), you will have to wait til it resets.
1-8 quest 1-2 hours
8-16 RFC: 2-4 pulls depending on gear. 8-12 minute runs. will have some lock-out time. log out.
16-20 deadmines: 11-13 minute runs including reset time. minimal looting.
20-43 SM cath/armory: CATH: 6-8 minutes 4 pulls , minimal looting and zone out after all the mobs die, run away from the boss to save time. zone into armory. ARMORY: 3 pulls. skip the last boss, skip looting last pull to save time. zone out, reset (12-15 minutes for both cath and armory)
43-47 took me 3 hours, and could have been done faster. i stayed in SM until level 45 (was catching a friend up). It wasn't really that bad though, it was decent xp (but could have been better)
43 - 53+ we skipped ZF and went straight to BRD. At 45 i was getting 80k / hour, my 43 friend was getting 65k.
On my shaman, i remember getting closer to 100-115k / hour in ZF, but i really didnt like the instance so we tried to skip it. didnt work out so hot, and we plan to go back to ZF until 50 (need mageweave as well).
Currently have a little over 19 hours played at 47, next stop is ZF.