Friday, July 17, 2009

The Bitching continues about tier 9 armor models

Man srsly what do you want from the new armor set designs? I mean yes, i spose they could be slightly more original, but could they really i mean were saying they don't look original because there basing them slightly on the older armor sets that they created. So Give them a break man! :P. If you want to see a preview of the new armor sets have a look here.

Here is a comment and a follow up response from blizzard in the official blizzard forums:

Quote (Discobiscuit):
I'd really like a response from blizzard about why they put so little effort into the new tier9. It sucks and there was a thread 146 pages long from people who were upset about it. Did blizzard ever respond? Nope. They just quietly locked the thread and pretended everything was fine. (you've lost my respect blizz. that was low) It's tier9, not some half effort pvp set.

Response (Nathaera):
This is going to be a tough one to clear up with you in a way that you're going to accept. First off, I can't say that "complaints"
don't fall on deaf ears, because that may be true, but not in the way you think. Constructive feedback is very very welcome. Complaints don't equate to constructive feedback though and don't open the door for constructive discussion.

We've addressed Tier 9 several times now. We posted about what we had in store here as well when we did the initial preview-

In general, when we explain our design philosophy and why we do what we do, we get a lot of responses of the sort that call for more people to be put to work on designing these sorts of things, but throwing more people at something does not increase the ease of creating them. These take a lot of time and collaboration.

In this case, like all of our armor sets, we have set resources to apply to creating new armor sets that we must work within. This does not change with each new set, but remains the same. I'm sure to some, this may seem too limiting, but we work within these constraints so that the art team can also continue to work on the many other projects they have on their plate, while still continuing to put out quality designs (whether you may believe they are quality or not.) Increasing the demand on them for these will not aid them in all of their other tasks.

That said, these new armor sets are much more focused on creating a visual division between what is representative of the Horde and what is representative of the Alliance who are obviously still at odds with each* other despite the best efforts of the Argent Crusade to bring them together. (*See Isle of Conquest)

We're not pretending anything, but we are continuing to moderate and direct discussions into more productive topics. I'll leave this topic open for now with the caveat that should it devolve into non-constructive discussion, I will close it. The armor sets are what they are whether they are your favorite or least favorite. The work that went into these was not diminished, nor were the resources for them compared to other sets. Please refrain from any further degradations of the art team or Blizzard employees and their work.

via Original Thread Link.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Keyboard Shortcuts - Undo and Redo Crazyness!

I know this isn't specifically wow related, but its dam useful. And also i know this is probably widely known, but i never knew the shortcut for redo ;), Anyway just a quick one...

Everyone Knows:
Ctrl+C = Copy
Ctrl+V = Paste

More Unknown:
Ctrl+Z = Undo Last thing
Ctrl+Y = Redo Last.

This can be quiteuseful and is used in windows all windows almost, like notepad and rich text editors and such. Well maybe you already knew all that, well arent you just too leet for me then :P Not really sure why they used Y as undo. Needs two hands to get there, unless you have freakishly large hands or a small keyboard. But anyway. Yes this does also work in wow chat screens and macro editor.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Garwal is no more, well no more taiming anyway.

So we knew it would happen eventually didnt we. Garwal is no longer tameable. Oh well i couldnt do it anyway but looking at the hunters cruising around org and dalaran quite a few of them figured it out.

Now the dev's are contemplating if they should remove the taimed ones.

Zarhym: We don't want hunters to have worgens as pets. That is the reason whether you find it reasonable or not.

And the QQing on the forums is definately going hard:

Q u o t e:
It's hilarious how he is completely avoiding the fact that oozes and hydras don't belong to any specific pet family either. I guess they just have something against worgens?

In some previous cases we fixed the bugs that allowed the taming of certain pets, but felt the pets weren't so far to an extreme that they needed to be removed. In other cases in the past, and in the case of Garwal, we've removed the pets as well feeling as though allowing them to remain hunter pets would be going too far.

Those of you asking for consistency, or to "pick a side" as I believe I saw one player request, are over-simplifying the nature of bugs. There's no side to be on when it comes to fixing bugs and addressing any unintentional outcomes due to those bugs being present. We have to assess each case on an individual basis.

A humanoid who could only be tamed through the trickiest of means didn't sit right with us, so we removed the ability to tame him and removed his status as a hunter pet.

Q u o t e:
I am of course NOT happy with the arbitrary and unfair way in which this was handled

I'm not sure how fairness can be measured in a case where the taming of this pet was largely unfair. Taming the worgen relied on a quest and an odd commitment to timing. It wasn't fair to anyone.

Q u o t e:
along with the ridiculous delay in communicating with your customers how you planned to handle your mess.

With all due respect, the issue gained traction and popularity over a holiday weekend. We began discussing the situation the moment we arrived in the office on Monday morning. By Monday afternoon we confirmed this to be a bug with the public, stating that Garwal would be hotfixed so as to be untamable in the future. The exact changes made in the hotfix were only tested and solidified within a very brief window of time before being pushed live to all realms.

Q u o t e:
This worgen-wolf model gave me hope that I could have a "cool pet" that would actually be raid-viable. I was excited about playing my hunter again, like I used to be when I first started playing.

It is unfortunate when a bug is found that provides players with something really cool that we feel they shouldn't have. For that I apologize.

So anyway that is almost the end of the tameable Garwal. Or is it! :P

Monday, July 06, 2009

A Tameable Worgen OMG! But not for me unfortunately

So apparently you can now tame a worgen for a pet if you happen to be a lucky hunter that hasn't already finished the Alpha Worg quest. So anyway i thought no worries i know someone that has not yet done this quest line, i will just tag along and nab the pet before it was killed.

But as fate would have it, no matter how hard i tried to /tar Garwal i just couldnt see him, even though i was in the same group and everything. So Its not going to happen for me, /cry.

So as i understand it according to Mania's Arcadia here is what you have to do if you are lucky enough to not have finished this quest yet and you are a 71 hunter.
  1. Get Wyvern Sting. It does about 19% damage by itself over 6 secs, and sleeps for 30.
  2. Find him.
  3. Hurt him until he is approx 67-69% health.
  4. Wyvern sting him.
  5. Wait till there is 14 secs left on Wyvern sting.
  6. At 14 secs left, cast tame beast.
  7. If done right, right as your tame ends, he will have just transformed.
So they recon this is going to be hot fixed pretty dam quick, and they may even take the worgen away from those that have already tamed it, as it does not really belong to any pet/animal family, and rather is just awesome looking! :P I think worgen are close enuff to wolf's for us to be able to tame them.

Also dont go into any arena's with this pet or it will transform back into a wolf permanently, just go to Orgrimmar/Stormwind (if thats cool for you allies) or Dalaran and /dance with your new cool worgen friend.

Ill just go back into my corner and sit with my Original Spirit Beast aka Classic Spirit Beast that no one cares about anymore and remember the good old days. Or maybe ill just goto bed. :P

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Northrend Bonfire Locations

Just found this list of bonfire locations. Not bad exp or money if you have a few minutes, ~11k xp per quest handed in at each bonfire and 2g if your not yet 80. And if you desecrate the ali/horde bonfires stamping them out you get ~22k exp.

Borean Tundra - Bor'Gorok Outpost
Borean Tundra - Fizzcrank Airstrip
Crystalsong - Sunreaver's Command
Crystalsong - Windrunner's Overlook
Dragonblight - Agmar's Hammer
Dragonblight - Wintergarde Keep
Grizzly Hills - Amberpine Lodge
Grizzly Hills - Conquest Hold
Howling Fjord - Camp Winterhoof
Howling Fjord - Fort Wildervar
Sholozar Basin - North side of River's Heart
Sholozar Basin - South side of River's Heart
Storm Peaks - K3
Storm Peaks - K3
Zul'Drak - North of Argent Stand
Zul'Drak - South of Argent Stand