Tuesday, November 04, 2008

New Steady Shot Macro

With the 3.0 patch, Auto Shot was unlinked from specials (most notably Steady Shot). However, this only functions correctly if, under Interface --> Combat, the flag Auto Attack/Auto Shot is set. If the flag is not set, Auto Shot is not correctly unlinked from specials, resulting in a drop in DPS.
This has its set of annoyances of its own. One of the most often referred to is the fact that using abilites when you don't have a target selected makes your character choose a target (nearest one), and attack it.
This can often cause unwanted pulls, or broken sheep, etc.

There have been various quick fixes or workarounds suggested, involving e.g. setting a focus target, and using /cast [target=focus], stuff like that.

I believe I have a better solution:
/stopmacro [target=target, noexists]
This line will cause the macro to fire if you do not have a target.
In other words: This causes everything below the line to only trigger if you have a target!

In addition:
/stopmacro [target=target, noharm]
Will make sure targetting a friendly target (e.g. yourself) does not trigger the same (unwanted) behaviour.

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/stopmacro [target=target,noexists]
/stopmacro [target=target, noharm]
/cast Steady Shot

If you do not have a target selected, Steady Shot will not fire. You will not attempt to attack a random target.
If you do have a target selected, you will attack it as per usual.