Thursday, May 21, 2009

Arena Tournament Winners and Nitro Boots Nerf thoughts

I've been playing my priest more since the Hunter has been nerfed. The priest seems a lot better since patch 3.1. The Hunter on the other hand seems to be lagging behind which is unfortunate after spending so much time on the Hunter.

Crygil was asked can you at least put in a vendor that will refund 2000 to 2500 G and takeaway engineering or at least give us some states like every other profession the response was we have plans to make certain that this item is still worth the investment made at so don't vendor it just yet.

Then they were asked if that is the case then gives back a full five seconds on the nitro boots crygil responded that it is an option we may explore we also have several other changes to no tributes in mind we may include additional stats to making this item comparable to other boot in chance there are quite a few ideas currently on the table and they are still narrowing down to get the best option so basically don't drop engineering yet.

They finally announced the winners of the Taiwan regional final of the 2009 will do for craft arena tournament looks like another number one team is death knight, priest, rogue. The winning teams won $15,000 and $6000 respectively. They will be competing this year at blizzcon.

I did a few arenas this week. Priest and Rogue just 2v2. We won 6/10 games so not too bad for the first week. The new arena points system seems to be a bit better than the old one. Not that we are rated very high yet. Also shamans seem like they're a bit overpowered at the moment so they must have got quite a buff.

It sucks now that they have nerfed the winter grasp dailies and made them weekly. Apparently this will reduce lag by making winter grasp less popular. So now we have to go back to grinding old battlegrounds if we want to get any honour to get the gear we want. Unless you like to PVE then you can just buy the gear with tokens. For some reason I'm still doing the Argent tournament dailies Im not really sure why as there isn't very much good gear to get as a reward.

I was going to work on fishing for that new turtle mount but im not sure if I can be bothered for that much effort they can at least make it 100% speed on land I don't think I would even use it for swimming.

Another one of the big bloggers has decided to quit world of warcraft after levelling his DK and mastering it skelleton jack. He finally realised that wow is never ending. I think how you have to deal with is just to play less become casual and make it no longer your number one priority. Everything should take priority over world of warcraft.