Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Buff to Hunter AOE and Nerf to Rogue QQ

So it seems that there is more rogue bitching on the way with the Nerf to fan of knives. Aww poor rogues cant quite finish you off while you are in stunlock anymore? pfft.

And hunters got a stealthy buff to volley increasing its co-efficent by a little bit (not in the patch notes)

Volley "stealth buff" in 3.2.2
Quote from: Ghostcrawler
The AP coefficient of Volley has been increased from 0.0586 to 0.0837. Base points did not change. This probably did not make the patch notes.

Q u o t e:
Seriously i dealt with my rogue being so broken in BC i couldnt even get into a raid. We finally were back to being at the top of dps charts (where rogues belong in this game) and you go and nerf us. For chist sake i mean we have no viable raid buffs to help a raid in that way we might as well be dps machine's.

Changes happen to all classes based on where we want them to be in many ways. That said, I'd like to hope that a 30% reduction in your Fan of Knives isn't going to be too much of a change for you that you can't overcome it. If it IS too much of a change then please feel free to share constructive feedback on how this change has affected you.

Also keep in mind there were only two other changes made to rogues in this patch. Envenom's scaling has been increased from 7% to 9% of attack power per combo point and there was a change to Master Poisoner in the Assassination tree. (No longer increases the Deadly Poison application rate following a successful Envenom and instead now provides a 33/66/100% chance of preventing Envenom from consuming Deadly Poison.)

We always welcome constructive feedback and often what happens when we patch is that we get a lot of quick reaction based on what people see as a decline in the numbers applied to their skills. In some cases, this concern may be justified and in others, it may just be a small overreaction until players get in to the game and experience it for themselves. There have been many changes over time that were seen as major until such a scenario played out and then people discovered it didn't change much about how they played or if it did, it did so in a way that benefited them more than they expected.