Monday, December 15, 2008

Fishing in Iron Forge for Horde, Old Ironjaw.

The options seem bleak when you first look at it. But its not so hard to find a good spot. It does involve dying at least once though, unless you can stealth.

So here is how i did it on my Hunter (even though i didn't end up catching Old Ironjaw, got bored) But ill go back one day and keep trying.

First an easy way to get up to Ironforge. You can take many flights and a long ride, but i prefer the Booty Bay Transporter, You need to go too a guy in Org from around the engineering trainer that gives you the noob quest for getting to into Gnomereagen. This is only available to Engineers, so if your not one. Have a nice walk ;)

Anyway, take off all your gear and Mount up to ride through the front gates of Iron Forge. Then once the guards kill you, walk back and repeat until u can rez inside IF with no guards detecting you.

Aim for the middle, where the forge is.

You need to jump into the Lava on the right hand side, aim for the middle of the cog. If you keep jumping around the center of the cog wheel, you will find that there is a ledge there so your just out of the Lava. If you die while trying to do this don't worry, you can get onto the ledge while your still in ghost form, so run back and try and jump on the ledge. It can take a few tries, but keep trying you will get there. ;)

You may want to bring with you one of those Elixir of Camouflage so that allies cant see you on the mini map. Or if your a hunter use aspect of the beast.

Here is a screen shot of the spot. Zoom your camera all the way out (you may need to go into interface options and make sure the zoom level is set to maximum distance).

WowHead Linkage for more details


Anonymous said...

nice thanx for reminding me about the gnomer transponder thingy =)

You chose the same hiding spot as I did..

teh roxxor fish3rm4n said...

funny i didnt even know about the old ironjaw accomplishment, i just started fishing and accidentally found him. Mmm... 25 silver resale value.... deeelishis.