Monday, December 29, 2008

80 Again and Bored

So now i have two level 80's

A Deathknight and a Hunter.

So now what do i do... I could spend hours farming for PVP gear. I could run some instances and get gear that way. But I dunno if i could be bothered doing it all again really, been there done that kinda thing.

At the moment im leveling engineering, already 430, it only took a couple of hours to level as i had been farming ore for a few levels. Using this guide.

Maybe i just need to play less and stuff around more with other things.


David van den Bovenkamp said...

cant even bring myself to lvl a 2nd 80 and im getting the crap beaten out of me on the dk in bgs. ah well eh

KruX said...

Yeh, i can just leave it now. Its weird not logging on tho... Just nothing to do, Cant be bothered PvPing ah well i guess its more of a hobby now or something rather than a life. Maybe i will get enthused about playing again.