Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Reputation Rewards worth grinding for hunters in WOTLK - The Oracles

So i was looking around for something to do now that im 80 on the hunter and i guess reputation grinding is as good as any. There are actually some decent gears to be had.

Here are a few i think ill be aiming for (if i can be bothered).

The Oracles : Those funny anti murlock dudes (Gorloc's) that you see in Sholazar Basin.

Here is a full list.

Where the hell is the Quatermaster?

His Name is Geen.

So what quests will we be getting bored doing over and over?

You need to start off with the quest: Playing Along from Tracker Gekgek.

The Hero's Burden at the end of the long quest chain, is kinda annoying as the end boss is bugged most of the time, you can tell this if the two elite dudes that spawn are still there and in combat with Artruis the Heartless, you have to choose which guy to kill when Artrios gets to about 33% and this will decide what reputation quest is unlocked. For Oracles you need to kill the Wolvar NPC during the fight.

Also if you want to Train up your weapon skills, Artrios is a nice ez place to do it while he is bugged.

Then after going through all that chain, you will be repeating the quest: Hand_of_the_Oracles


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