Friday, January 23, 2009

Shadow Priest DPS after 3.0.8, bug in Misery.

So some good things did come from the new content patch, It appears that Misery Stacks incorrectly causing some insanely massive DPS.

Unfortunately this isn't going to stay like this for long and will likely be hot fixed very shortly.

/respecs shadow

According to Ghostcrawler:

"There is a bug in Misery probably very similar to what Delmortis describes above.

We want Shadow priest dps to be competitive, but it can be really insane with this bug. We are looking into it. "

Delmortis from the WoW forums:

"The problem is purely with Misery.

Pre-3.0.8 Misery's DPS boosting component worked like this (on Mind Blast, Mind Sear, Mind Flay):

(base dmg + spellpower*base_coefficient*1.15)*

i.e. it in effect gave you 15% more spellpower.

What is currently happening now is:
Mind Blast:
(base dmg + spellpower*(basecoefficient+0.15))*

Mind Flay and Mind Sear:
Every single tick is:
(base tick dmg + spellpower*(basetickcoefficient+0.15))*

They've gone from multiplying the spellpower*base_coefficient factor by 115% to applying an additive boost to the coefficient (which is silly if it's not scaled for cast time) but they've made a mistake and they're applying it to every tick of the channeled spells rather than the spell as a whole.

The numbers back this up and I did proper testing on the dummy adding in talent points one at a time to make sure. "
