Wednesday, February 11, 2009

AOE Grinding on the Shadow Priest

So i had a brilliant idea that i would fast forward a few levels by aoe grinding once i hit 75 on the priest. While that seemed like a good idea in theory, its hard to tell if its actually faster than quest grinding.

On the hunter aoe grinding with a gorilla is super easy, i used to go down to the dockland area in dragonblight with all the soldiers round up around 7-10 of them on the mount and then the gorilla would take all the heat. Fein death and fire away. Its a nice easy way to get a couple of levels if you cant be bothered questing.

So anyway doing it on the priest, seemed ok, but usually take about 50% damage while taking on 5 mobs, and use a butload of mana at 840 per cast, need to cast it around 4-5 times and then as it actually doesn't effect the targeted mob you have to kill that afterwards which is just extra time.

So then i decided to logon to the rogue and do some grindage, its still 70 and i just specced combat for quick leveling grindage. Sometimes i just cant be bothered questing all over again so i just went and took down some mobs. in 1 hour i got 237k exp rested. So i guess that's not too bad, i think with questing you can get over 300k exp per hour, but that included moving from one site to another and a death. only problem is keeping awake i think.

On another note i just noticed that they have buffed Inner Fire now the spell has a 30 minute duration and it cannot be dispelled. /yay. Nothing better than getting Inner fire purged before a killer stunlock combo with minus ~3k armor.


David van den Bovenkamp said...

nice new banner

KruX said...

Thanks, Looks a bit better than the fugly old theme at least. was burning my eyes a little bit ;)