It seems that the 3.1 Patch delayed the new easter event Noblegarden. But now you have until the second of May to get a new title "the Noble" and another rabbit pet not too mention all of the holiday gear that they are giving away for finding easter eggs and collecting the chocolates from them.
If you are Horde, the best place to look is Bloodhoof village near the Tauren starting zone Just south of Thunderbluff. Or if you happen to be near the Blood elf starting zone, there are also quite a few eggs to be had around there. If you are alience have a look in Darnassus/Dolanaar or Goldshire.
Grab the quest: A Tisket, A Tasket for a egg basket reward which you can equip and increase your running speed for more collecting of egg's. Do laps around your selected noob zone and as you find the egg's you will also randomly find bits of clothing and other items like the new pet Spring Rabbits Foot. All of these items are used for the achievements, that count towards the achievements for Noblegarden.
You will need to find around 125 - 275 chocolates, depending on how lucky you are getting the items to drop. If you get all items to drop you will only need 130 chocolates for the eating achievement and buying the egg for 5 chocs to plant in your races assigned city for the Noble Garden achievement.
Achievements: Blushing Bride - /kiss someone wearing an Elegant Dress while wearing a White Tuxedo Shirt and Black Tuxedo Pants. Chocolate Lover - Eat 25 Noblegarden Chocolates during the Noblegarden celebration. Chocoholic - Eat 100 Noblegarden Chocolates during the Noblegarden celebration. Desert Rose - Use Spring Robes to plant a flower in each of the following desserts: Badlands, Desolace, Tanaris, Thousand Needles, Silithus Dressed for the Occasion- Discover an Elegant Dress by opening brightly colored eggs during the Noblegarden celebration. Hard Boiled- Lay an egg in Un'Goro Crater's Golakka Hot Springs as a rabbit during the Noblegarden celebration. I Found One! - Find a Brightly Colored Egg Noble Garden - Hide a Noblegarden Eggs in Alliance Stormwind City / Horde Silvermoon City. Shake Your Bunny-Maker - Use Spring Flowers to place rabbit ears upon females of at least 18th level of every race. Spring Fling- Find your pet Spring Rabbit another one to love in each of the following towns: Alliance: Azure Watch, Dolanaar, Goldshire Kharanos Horde: Bloodhoof Village, Brill, Falconwing Square, Razor Hill Sunday's Finest- Discover the White Tuxedo Shirt and Black Tuxedo Pants by opening brightly colored eggs during the Noblegarden celebration. (this one is not needed for the title)
The only one that was a bit annoying was the Hard Boiled achievement, which involved flying to Silithus and setting my hearth there, and then flying back to TB to and collecting more eggs to get the bunny buff again, and then Hearthing to Silithus and walking down to the Golakka Hot Springs in Un'Goro Crater from there, luckly there was no annoying people waiting for me on the way down there I guess i chose a good time to do the walk. It takes around 6-7 minutes to walk down there in bunny form, and you cant use your speed up basket either which sux a bit.
I dont think ill be looking for this sexy spirit beast myself just yet. But i have scraped a bit of info together for those that want to start looking / camping. Loque'nahak was enough effort for me i think, and it looks like Gondria is on around the same Spawn Cycle with the other three rare elites in Zul'Drak.
It appears that when spawned it stays in the same spot, so it you shouldnt have to chase it around, and does not seem to get killed by NPC's.
Gondria Level 77 beast (elite) 556-784 damage 8822 armor 17068 health Diet: meat, fish Tameable (Exotic) Tame abilities: Spirit strike, Prowl, Claw, Cower, Growl Location: Zul'Drak (63.2, 42.7)
As this beast is exotic, make sure you have one of your specs with the 51 point talent in the Beast Mastery Tree before you go around looking for it. Also if you do have dual spec, make sure you have already switched to BM spec, so that you don't run into Mana Issues when taming, if you are lucky enough too stumble on this rare spawn.
So last night i finally saved up enough matts/rep/cash to buy a mechano hog. And yes its probably a waste of cash. But dam its a pimp ride!
Just vendor matts alone this mount costs 12,500g, Luckly i had been saving up Titan Steel bars for a while, so that saved me about 1200g. The thing that really got me was the last level of engineering, i was stuck at 449 for about 350 saronite bars, making so many gyro adjusters its just wasn't funny anymore, so i had to end up buying the matts for the epic goggles, just to get the final level.
Now to wait for the 3.1 patch to finally download, and cower from all the hunter nerfs.
According to Ghostcrawler, there are no plans for another MMO any time soon. Not sure what Starcraft 2 is going to be classified as.
Q: What new MMO is Blizzard working on? Has any info been released?
Ghostcrawler: 1) We haven't announced anything on the new project. We probably won't for awhile.
2) Kalgan is still here on WoW. We discuss the game design every single day. He is behind all of the changes we make.
3) The design team makes all of our decisions by consensus. It's a slow process, but it means there are no I-told-you-sos down the road. That portion of the team that doesn't post here doesn't get enough credit for all of the enormous contributions that they make. It kind of sucks. :(
4) The WoW forums have a storied tradition of attacking the messenger when they don't like the message. When Kalgan posted a lot, players attacked him too. Whether it's me or someone else posting here two or whenever years from now, they will become the new most hated person in WoW. :)
5) We don't let it bother us. You can't in this business. It's important to us to communicate with the players, and the forums are one way to do that. We just ban the players that can't control themselves and like to spew garbage instead of discussing the game.