Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Buying a Mechano Hog - Now im Officially Poor

So last night i finally saved up enough matts/rep/cash to buy a mechano hog. And yes its probably a waste of cash. But dam its a pimp ride!

Just vendor matts alone this mount costs 12,500g, Luckly i had been saving up Titan Steel bars for a while, so that saved me about 1200g.

The thing that really got me was the last level of engineering, i was stuck at 449 for about 350 saronite bars, making so many gyro adjusters its just wasn't funny anymore, so i had to end up buying the matts for the epic goggles, just to get the final level.

Now to wait for the 3.1 patch to finally download, and cower from all the hunter nerfs.