Q: What new MMO is Blizzard working on? Has any info been released?
1) We haven't announced anything on the new project. We probably won't for awhile.
2) Kalgan is still here on WoW. We discuss the game design every single day. He is behind all of the changes we make.
3) The design team makes all of our decisions by consensus. It's a slow process, but it means there are no I-told-you-sos down the road. That portion of the team that doesn't post here doesn't get enough credit for all of the enormous contributions that they make. It kind of sucks. :(
4) The WoW forums have a storied tradition of attacking the messenger when they don't like the message. When Kalgan posted a lot, players attacked him too. Whether it's me or someone else posting here two or whenever years from now, they will become the new most hated person in WoW. :)
5) We don't let it bother us. You can't in this business. It's important to us to communicate with the players, and the forums are one way to do that. We just ban the players that can't control themselves and like to spew garbage instead of discussing the game.
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