It appears that when spawned it stays in the same spot, so it you shouldnt have to chase it around, and does not seem to get killed by NPC's.
Macro for Spamming while flying around Zul'Drak
/tar Gondria
/stopmacro [noexists]
/script PlaySound("RaidWarning")
/run RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidBossEmoteFrame,"Gondria - Found!", ChatTypeInfo["RAID_WARNING"])
or alternatively you could just use
/tar Gondria
And watch for the target to come up.
Wowhead Map Link for all known spawn locations.
Level 77 beast (elite)
556-784 damage
8822 armor
17068 health
Diet: meat, fish
Tameable (Exotic)
Tame abilities: Spirit strike, Prowl, Claw, Cower, Growl
Location: Zul'Drak (63.2, 42.7)
As this beast is exotic, make sure you have one of your specs with the 51 point talent in the Beast Mastery Tree before you go around looking for it. Also if you do have dual spec, make sure you have already switched to BM spec, so that you don't run into Mana Issues when taming, if you are lucky enough too stumble on this rare spawn.
Happy Spirit Beast Hunting ;)
Other Links:
BRK's Video of the New Spirit Beast
More Info on Gondria.
I'm looking for this ass-kickin' cat myself atm, but I was wondering.. If I change to my dual-spec (Survival) while haveing this pet active, What will happend?? Do I loose it, or does the pet change automaticly, or what? Any Ideas?
When you change specs, it gets put back in your stables. If you have masters call ready and its not on cool down you can call one of your other pets non BM pets otherwise it just gives you the message that you cant control this kind of pet. It will be safely left in your stables though, you wont loose it.
Ok. Too bad since I mainly go Survival, but still a must to have for all hunters. She's a deam good-looking beast ^^
Thank's for the good answer :)
No Probs, I swap between survival and BM spec now, just to get out the old Spirit Beast. Sad that they nerfed Surv so bad and didn't give us much to make up for it.
When trying to tame a spirit beast, will a simple freezing trap work? what is the best method?
Yeh, a freezing trap will work. Just gotta get to it before someone else does. Thats the hard part!
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